
A blog made with pictures, broken English and my vague "castellano" language.

Thanks Brian Hua for pushing me to make this blog. Work hard Brian...

This little mountain (about 10.000 Ha, 25.000 acres) call Sierra de Carrascoy, is where I grew up. How can you place the mountain in the world, HERE. My father used to work in a big farm on this mountain, so I had the chance to explore what was going on in these hillsides.

Este blog lo actualizo según la vida (trabajo, familia, etc...) me va dejando tiempo, por tanto irregularmente.

Monday, February 28, 2011


 El agua es especialmente en Carrascoy de una necesidad imperiosa. En lo alto de la montanya, a unos 900 metros de altitud aproximadamente, un antiguo abrevadero provee de agua a un gran numero de animales. Estos son algunos de los que he visto en un par de domingos, no mas de 7 horas por día. Destacaría la presencia de Arrendajos, hasta la fecha solo he visto un individuo, pero es una especie nueva para mi en esta Sierra.

Piquituerto común (Loxia curvirostra)

Escribano montesino (Emberiza cia)

Pinzon vulgar (Fringilla coelebebs)

Two females of Mirlo común (Turdus merula)

Arrendajo (Garrulus glandarius)

 Gavilan male (Accipiter gentilis)
Paloma torcaz (Columba palumbus)


  1. Hello ,very nice photographs ,congratuations, can you tell where is exactly the charcas de los jarales,thanks

    1. Hi, I am glad you like the pictures, it is easy take these kind of pictures when water is very scarce, like in my region. The charca de los Jarales is in Spain, at the Sierra de Carrascoy, at 900 meters over sea level, almost at the top of the mountain (1064 m). Thanks again.

    2. Hi Jose,i used to visit Murcia some times at year,i know carrascoy but i dont know how to arrive to the top,is there any way up?i love your country specially Murcia,Thanks

    3. Yes, is very easy,the way to go up should be take at the road "el palmar-mazarron", between "El cañarico" and "La Costera", two villages that belong to Alhama de Murcia. The view from the top is beautiful. At this time of the year the place should be beautiful. I forgot, you will need a 4x4 car!!!.
