
A blog made with pictures, broken English and my vague "castellano" language.

Thanks Brian Hua for pushing me to make this blog. Work hard Brian...

This little mountain (about 10.000 Ha, 25.000 acres) call Sierra de Carrascoy, is where I grew up. How can you place the mountain in the world, HERE. My father used to work in a big farm on this mountain, so I had the chance to explore what was going on in these hillsides.

Este blog lo actualizo según la vida (trabajo, familia, etc...) me va dejando tiempo, por tanto irregularmente.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


(English) This is a personal opinion, but I believe that weeds are something more than that fucking plants than are growing along our crops and have to be eliminated the sooner the better.

(Spanish) Homenajeamos a la crucíferas, y cómo no, las ligamos con las aves.

Diplotaxis erucoides, Pedanía de la Costera. 23-2-2015. 

Eruca vesicaria, Pedanía de la Costera, 23-2-2015.

Diplotaxis erucoides toma las calles entre los limoneros. 23-2-2015.
Un grupo de verdecillos se alimentan de Rabaniza (Sisymbrium irio). Casa Nueva, Sierra de Carrascoy, 23-2-2015.

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