
A blog made with pictures, broken English and my vague "castellano" language.

Thanks Brian Hua for pushing me to make this blog. Work hard Brian...

This little mountain (about 10.000 Ha, 25.000 acres) call Sierra de Carrascoy, is where I grew up. How can you place the mountain in the world, HERE. My father used to work in a big farm on this mountain, so I had the chance to explore what was going on in these hillsides.

Este blog lo actualizo según la vida (trabajo, familia, etc...) me va dejando tiempo, por tanto irregularmente.

Monday, May 14, 2012


(Broken English) A heat wave is hitting Spain right now, May 13th, 2012. Besides, the last autumn and winter season have been very dry. Last Sunday I walked around and during some hours I observed a small  pool with water coming from a subterranean reservoir, I thought that all the life was there at that moment; among others insects, birds, some reptiles, etc.. there were several of these guys, Sceliphron destillatorium (Illiger 1807), taking up mud to build its house, and these nice birds, Verdecillos or European Serin, where its yellow and green color contrast nicely with the ground. For a moment I forgot what I was doing there..
Note: All pictures have been crop a 25% more o less.

(Spanish) Un 13 de Mayo de 2012, con 35 grados centigrados, los charcos de agua rebosan vida. Aqui una avispa alfarera y una pareja de verdecillos aprovechando esos milagrosos charcos que de vez en cuando afloran en lugares remotos de las sierras mediterraneas. No hay nada como permanecer oculto y deleitarse con todo lo que alli acontece. Los fotografias tienen un recorte del 25% aproximadamente.

Avispa alfarera (Sceliphron destillatorium). Barranco del Pozo. Sierra de Carrascoy. 
Canon EOS 40D, 300 mm f4 L at f4, speed 1/640 and ISO 500. 
Verdecillo or European Serin female. Same place, same equipment, speed 1/800, ISO 400.   

Verdecillo or European Serin male. Same place, same equipment, speed 1/500, ISO 500.

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